Maakplaats Roermond

What is Maakplaats Roermond?

Maakplaats enriches and strengthens Roermond's existing cultural infrastructure. Initiators who were not previously recognized become visible through the projects developed from Maakplaats, and they are given an opportunity to develop themselves as artists or performers.

The municipality of Roermond embraces the role of culture as a unifier in society. Culture is indeed highly suitable for bringing together various people, organizations, businesses, and ideas.

Through a bottom-up and personal approach, we collectively strengthen and diversify the cultural infrastructure, with Maakplaats playing a significant role as a catalyst. The subsidy scheme 'Cultural Maakplaats Roermond 2023-2026' allows us to specifically address this.

Through Maakplaats, we not only assess project plans and subsidy applications but also assist Creators and bring them together. Creators/initiators can meet other makers for inspiration by participating in drop-in sessions or requesting a quick scan conversation. This way, we set good ideas and talent in motion.

My Project:

The goal of this project is to convey the narrative of the living environment and the people in Boukoul through the medium of photography (especially analog film photography and digital photography without the use of photoshop). The idea is to capture both the challenges and the beauty of life in the small community of Boukoul. To discover what the wonderful and difficult aspects of Boukoul are, I would like to engage in conversations with the residents; think of short interviews. Naturally, these brief interviews will yield ideas, which will then be transformed into a script for the photoshoots. An image should clearly convey the emotion of the individual without the need for text. The best photos will be printed and displayed on billboards around Roermond and Boukoul. Additionally, I plan to create an exhibition, considering locations in Roermond such as the town hall or perhaps the ECI. The aim is to allow both locals and visitors to Roermond to fully immerse themselves in the life of the small community of Boukoul. Of course, I will also hold an exhibition in Boukoul. As for the venue, I am considering places like Hillenraad Castle or the community center, De Kamp. This is my way of giving back to the residents of Boukoul and making it an even more attractive place. I will personally attend the exhibitions, so that I can also present myself as the creator and connect with the exhibition visitors. As mentioned above, the best and most narrative photos will be displayed on billboards, while the rest will be featured at the exhibition, as not all images will fit on billboards. Boukoul is one of the few small villages in Roermond, which is why I believe it is important to shine a spotlight here and not just on the neighborhoods of Roermond. I often see projects like this focusing solely on the Roermond neighborhoods, and I believe it can be different. In my opinion, there should be a balanced focus between the Roermond neighborhoods and villages like Boukoul, as well as Asenray or Swalmen. Because I live in Boukoul myself, I have chosen to specifically focus on Boukoul and not Asenray or Swalmen. Personally, I would find it very gratifying when i’d see a photo of my neighbour in Boukoul, it fills you with happiness and pride in living here.

As described above, the goal of this project is essentially to highlight Boukoul and its surroundings. The target audience of this project is essentially all residents of Roermond and beyond. I would like to make the project accessible to all ages, hence the billboards and exhibitions at possibly two locations. The exact timing of this project has not been determined but will take place somewhere in 2024.

Interview about this project:

This interview is in Dutch, no English version is available.

This project has been made possible by: